Author: Helen Thomas

Best Technology Solution Provider Finalist

Accelerated Analytics is thrilled to announce that we have been named a finalist for Best Technology Solution Provider in the 2024 BeautyMatter NEXT Awards. This recognition is a testament to our dedication to innovation, excellence, and leadership within the beauty industry.

“With everything we do, our first goal is how we bring value. The NEXT Awards are rooted in the opportunity to recognize the entire BeautyMatter community and reflect the diverse contributions of the global beauty ecosystem in moving our industry forward. We are looking for the most brilliant brands, service providers, suppliers, and people pushing the limits of creativity and possibilities to build what’s next in beauty,” said Kelly Kovack, Founder and CEO of BeautyMatter on the awards.

The BeautyMatter NEXT Awards recognize businesses that are raising the bar and defining the future from the largest multinationals to high-growth indies and from brands to suppliers NEXT creates a space to highlight everyone involved in the beauty value chain responsible for bringing brands, products, and services to life for consumers around the globe.

With a belief that everyone should have a fair shake at winning industry awards. BeautyMatter made a foundational commitment that judging would be transparent and done by a panel of independent judges selected for their diversity of experience, deep category knowledge, and insatiable curiosity.

This commitment to transparency makes BeautyMatter, one of the most trusted voices in the business of beauty, winning a NEXT Award is a benchmark for excellence and the ultimate accolade.

“This nomination is a reflection of our team’s passion to provide our customers with best-in-class retail data analytics that drive growth and profits for beauty brands of all sizes.  We are delighted to be recognized for our outstanding contribution to beauty through technology.”  Chad Symens, President Accelerated Analytics.

Applications were rigorously assessed by an independent panel of industry leaders, focusing on relevancy, impact, and innovation. This year’s shortlist represents a diverse array of talent and groundbreaking advancements in the beauty sector.

“Numerous beauty industry award ceremonies tend to be politicized or connected to product promotion. In contrast, the NEXT Awards stand out as a refreshing and dynamic experience. Their vibrancy, rawness, and edginess align precisely with the industry pulse that BeautyMatter understands so well.” – Dr. Robb Akridge, Founder & CEO of Opulus Labs and NEXT Awards judge.

Winners will be announced at the 2024 BeautyMatter NEXT Summit, which will take place on October 24th, 2024 at City Market Social House in Downtown LA. [

For more information about the BeautyMatter NEXT Awards and to see the full list of finalists, please visit

Accelerated Analytics Sponsoring Beauty Design Awards

Celebrating 20 years

Accelerated Analytics is very pleased to be sponsoring the Beauty Design Awards. The Beauty Design Awards celebrates the best of design in the Beauty Industry. 2023 is the fourth year of running the award. The award is founded and lead by beauty industry market research specialist Jennifer Carlsson.  Accelerated Analytics’ customers Bubble and Youthforia were finalists for the 2022 award.

To learn more, visit  Product submissions may be made up to August 31, 2023 so hurry to get your brand in the running for the 2023 Beauty Design Awards.  Voting on finalists will be open starting in October as well so be sure to bookmark the site and submit your votes.

Not To Be Outdone, Walmart Presses Into Prestige Beauty

Walmart announced its partnership with British beauty retailer Space NK which was founded in 1991. The partnership will be seen across 250 stores and DOTCOM in a collaboration they’ve called BeautySpaceNK. Beginning last month, Walmart’s website began featuring over 600 Space NK haircare, makeup, skincare, and bath and body products across several price-points. Some brands will remain exclusive to Walmart. With this delve into luxury, indie, and exclusive lines at select Walmart stores, box retailers are becoming increasingly competitive throughout the beauty space. Learn more about our prestige retail reporting enhancement, such as our dedicated Ulta Reports here. Then, let’s set up a meet to look over your brand’s use of its available data and how our sales reporting tools can help your brand specifically stay ahead of the curve at box stores like Walmart and Ulta.

EDI 870 Order Status Report

EDI 870 Order Status Report

The EDI 870 Order Status Report transaction set is commonly used by vendors to report on the current status of a customer’s order. Each status report transaction refers to a customer’s single order but it can involve multiple previously-sent purchase orders. The 870 is replacing what is known as a Paper Status Report, which provides details on where an order is in production. EDI 870 can include but is not limited to:

  • Vendor Details
  • Order Status Details
  • Explanation Of Status
  • Reference Identifying The Specific Order
  • Details Of Order: Price, Quantity, Item, Etc.

The EDI 870 transaction can be implemented to report complete orders, focusing on line items within an order or selected products/services in that purchase order. It may also be used to update the supplier’s shipment schedule or delivery dates. The 870 could be sent as a result of an Order Status Inquiry (EDI 869 transaction) that’s received from a trading partner. In addition to that, 870 transactions could potentially be used to prearranged schedules but only when inventory is allocated to such an order.

EDI 870 Specifications

This X12 Transaction Set contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Order Status Report Transaction Set (870) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. The transaction set can be used to report on the current status of;

  • Purchase Orders
  • Purchase Orders For Specific Customers (All or Select)
  • Line Items Of The Purchase Order
  • Select Products/Services On Purchase Order
  • Requirement Forecast

The EDI 870 transaction set can also be used to report on the current status of single or multiple requisitions. The report format allows for the inclusion of “reasons” relative to the status. This transaction set can also be used to provide updates on a supplier’s scheduled shipment or specific delivery dates. This transaction set can result from either an inquiry or a prearranged schedule agreed to by the trading partners.

EDI 869 Order Status Inquiry

EDI 869 Order Status Inquiry
This X12 Transaction Set contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Order Status Inquiry Transaction Set (869) for use within the context of an EDI -Electronic Data Interchange environment. The transaction set can be used to request all pertinent information relative to an entire purchase order, selected line items on a purchase order, or select services/products on a purchase order.

EDI 869 transaction set can be useful in requesting all important information related to a complete purchase order, selected line items on the purchase order, or selected product/service on the purchase order. An inquiry may be made for entire or partial part of the items pertaining to the following:

  • Customer Orders
  • Customer’s Unshipped Items
  • Customer’s Shipped Items
Inquiry can also be made for all or a selected portion of the customer’s ordered items, all or a selected portion of the customer’s unshipped items, or all or a selected portion of the customer’s shipped items.

An EDI 869 – Order Status Inquiry document is organized into data and segment elements. A segment can contain at least one data element. Each data element contains a data field. Data elements can include vendor number, purchase order number, and contents of the order, identical to a paper order inquiry. There are an infinite number of possibilities available for a company to include data on an 869 Order Status Inquiry. There are an infinite number of possibilities available for a company to include data on an 869 – Order Status Inquiry.

The 869 Order Status Inquiry is transmitted to the supplier by the trading partner. After the 869 Order Status Inquiry is received, a 997 Functional Acknowledgement is sent back from the transportation provider indicating that the Order Status Inquiry was successfully received. The supplier will respond afterwards with an 870 Order Status Report.

EDI 830 Planning Schedule With Release Capability File Format

EDI 830 Planning Schedule with Release Capability File Format

The EDI 830 Planning Schedule transaction set is really used as an electronic sales forecast. In fact, it can be used in 3 different ways:

  • Just as a sales forecast
  • As a forecast and an authorization for the recipient to commit to resources
  • As a forecast that also includes order release levels

The senders of 830 Planning Schedules are typically manufacturers communicating with their suppliers. The 2 trading partners would represent the buyer (the manufacturer) and the seller (the supplier). The Planning Schedule allows the seller to plan resources, such as labor and material, and to fulfill orders via automation based on a customer’s inventory levels. 830 transactions that do include a Material Release are likely to include specific authorizations, which could be period-to-date cumulative quantities, and shipping or delivery patterns (weekly, monthly or quarterly) requirements. By doing so, it can eliminate the need for a customer to generate separate purchase orders.

This info in a single 830 transaction can relate to all production items sourced from a given supplier site. While the 830 transaction may include shipping information, the main focus is on forecasts. You can use the 862 Shipping Schedule transaction to provide detailed shipping instructions as needed.

EDI 830 Format

GS*PS*1234567890 *999999999 *20120126*1211*1*T*004010
N3*PO OX 246 *STURGIS, MI 49091
LIN**PC*AA017830-1441*PD*TERMINAL (AN PC )*PO*C01000*RN*001
PER*EX*JOHN DOE*TE*4239827000*****12345
PER*EX*JOHN DOE*TE*4239827000*****12345

EDI Specifications

This X12 Transaction Set contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Planning Schedule with Release Capability Transaction Set (830) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. The transaction set can be used to provide for customary and established business practice relative to the transfer of forecasting/material release information between organizations.
As discussed above, the planning schedule transaction can be used in various ways or in a combination of ways, such as:
  • Just as a sales forecast
  • As a forecast and an authorization for the recipient to commit to resources
  • As a forecast that also includes order release levels
The order release forecast may also contain all data related to purchase orders, as required, because the order release capability eliminates the need for discrete generation of purchase orders.

EDI 863 Report Of Test Results

EDI 863 Report Of Test Results
This X12 Transaction Set contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Report of Test Results Transaction Set (863) for use within the context of an EDI – Electronic Data Interchange environment. EDI 863 can be used to transmit the results of tests performed to satisfy a specified product or process requirement. This may include but would not be limited to;
  • Certification Data
  • Inspection Data
  • Process Control Measurement Stats

What Is EDI 863 Report Of Test Results?

The 863 EDI document type is an electronic version of a paper report of test results. The 863 EDI document type is used to transmit results of a test that is performed to satisfy a specified product or process requirement as described above.

EDI 863 transaction set is useful in the transmission of the test results which are performed to meet the requirements of specific products or processes. This includes but is not limited to, test data like data of inspection, data of certification, and measurements of statistical process control.

The 863 EDI document is sent by a manufacturer to the purchaser or test requester after the tests have been performed. After the 863 Report of Test Results is received by a seller, a 997 Functional Acknowledgment would be sent back indicating that the 863 Report of Test Results was received.

EDI 863 Format

The data contents and format of EDI 863 Report of Test Results are used for the electronic interchange of information. It is divided into various segments and data elements.

EDI 862 Shipping Schedule

EDI 862 Shipping Schedule

The EDI 862 Shipping Schedule transaction set is responsible for accounting shipping requirements. These shipping instructions would replace those forecasted in a previous Planning Schedule 830 transaction, though the 862 does not actually replace the 830.

862 transactions are important for supporting Just-in-Time (JIT) manufacturing because they provide detailed shipping requirements more frequently versus EDI 830 Planning Schedule. In the Just-in-Time environment, an 862 can be triggered based on product usage. For example, when a quantity of an item in inventory is below a set restock level, EDI 862 can be used to send a notification to the supplier to replenish that item right away.

Now, the 830 Planning Schedule document works in conjunction with the 862 transaction to support Just-in-Time manufacturing. The forecast data from a 830 can help the supplier manage resources and materials. By doing so, it ensures the on-hand inventory is rightly available when the supplier receives an 862 from its customer with instructions to ship that item. Instructions to ship an item can always change, especially in a real-time. When it does, the 862 transaction can be used, it can provide the changes needed to the previous 862 instructions.

Those changes could include but are not limited to;

  • An Increase For Order Quantity
  • A Decrease For Order Quantity
  • Changing The Shipping Date

Due to this, manufacturers may end up sending numerous 862 requirements, it could be for the same item, it could be on the same day.

EDI 862 Specification

This X12 Transaction Set contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Shipping Schedule Transaction Set (862) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment.

The transaction set can be used by a customer to relay the exact shipping schedule requirements to a supplier.  The shipping schedule transaction set will contain specific shipping and delivery information transmitted from a previous planning schedule transaction, but it wouldn’t replace the 830 transaction set.

The shipping schedule transaction set would not be used to authorize labor, resources, materials, etc. Also, this transaction set follows best practice of the Just-In-Time (JIT) manufacturing model by giving the customer the ability to issue specific shipping schedule requirements on a more frequent basis, like daily shipping schedules versus weekly planning schedules.

It’s important to note that the shipping schedule transaction can also give the customer location the opportunity to issue shipping requirements independent of other customer locations when planning schedule transactions are issued by a consolidated scheduling organization.

EDI 867 Product Transfer And Resale Report

EDI 867 Product Transfer And Resale Report

The EDI 867 transaction set represents the Product Transfer and Resale Report. EDI 867 is used to give information on a product that has been relocated to a new location within a company. It can also be used to report sales of a product from multiple locations to an end customer, such as point-of-sale, or POS data. This specific EDI transaction code can also be used to communicate returns from customers to retail locations or distribution centers.

Each 867 document includes the following information:

  • Resale Information Or Product Transferred, can include contract details, quantity, purchase order, code types, etc.
  • Transaction Totals (Line Items), can include weights, dimensions, other unit measurements.
  • Organization Identification Details.

The 867 transaction set can be used in a wide range of different industries. While the retail industry is likely the most common to use it, it can also be used by manufactures, resellers, distributors and wholesalers.

We can give you a quick examples.

Utilities may use an EDI 867 to communicate meter readings, which may include metrics on how much electricity is being used. Wholesalers may use 867 to communicate to a manufacturer about product movements at their wholesale locations.

In many ways, 867 is similar to the EDI 852 transaction set, which is used by the top resellers in the world to provide detailed insights on product inventory and sales levels to the manufacturers of those products.

EDI 867 Format

N1*SE*XYZ SUPPLIER*9*1234567890001
N1*DS*ABC DISTRIBUTION*9*9876543210001

EDI 867 Specifications

This X12 Transaction Set contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Product Transfer and Resale Report Transaction Set (867) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. The transaction set can be used to:

  1. Report Sales Of A Product From One Or More Locations To End Customer
  2. Report Sales Of A Product From One Or More Locations And Demand Beyond Sales To End Customer
  3. Report Details About Product Being Transferred From One Area To Another

EDI 861 Receiving Advice/Acceptance Certificate File Format

EDI 861

The EDI 861 transaction set is an electronic version of a Receiving Advice/Acceptance Certificate. This EDI transaction can be used to report shipment receipts or it can be used as a formal acceptance for defective items that are being returned. In the case third-party receiving, such as a drop-shipment, the sender may transmit an 861 to report to the purchaser that the shipment was received. Unlike the simple receipt acknowledgement, EDI 861 includes notifications for the disposition of the shipment as it’s received, which can include:

  • When a portion or full shipment is received
  • When a portion or full shipment is not received
  • When a discrepancy in the content receive vs. ordered
  • When an item received is damaged

The 861 transaction set is usually used in the retail industry, often used with automatic stock-replenishment programs that are managed by vendors. The use of RFID and encoded ID tags give the ability to track individual cartons. This can include;

  • The specific location – As it moves through the distribution center
  • Individual store location or number
  • Status update – This could be on the sales floor, open box, layaway, reserve stock, etc.

When this type of information can be sent to the supplier via an 861, it allows retailers to provide their vendors with targeted visibility at various points in the supply chain. By doing so, it allows vendors to better manage production schedules, lead times and inventory levels. The 861 can also be useful for initiating proof of delivery and shipment tracking processes, and for carrier performance evaluations.

EDI 861 Format


EDI 861 Specifications

This X12 Transaction Set contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Receiving Advice/Acceptance Certificate Transaction Set (861) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. EDI 861 can be used to for multiple business types and sets industry standards relative to the notification of receipt or formal acceptance of goods and services.