5 Ways to Increase your Sales in 2019

Retail can be a volatile space – at times, it’s a feast-or-famine situation. Many times, a sharp decrease in sales are due to factors outside of human control such as bad weather, product recall, new competition, changing consumer preferences, etc., but there are plenty of ways to combat the bottom-line-eating “slump” in sales. Your business… Read more »

Using your POS Data to Maintain Optimal Inventory Levels

POS Data: More than Numbers Companies can draw insights about consumer behavior using POS data, which defines an intricate correlation between purchases, inventory, seasons and other contributing factors. These sets of data hold a lot of value, but in raw form, the information can be difficult to work with; after being cleaned up and formatted… Read more »

Retail Round-Up: Out-of-Stocks: Problems & Solutions

Retail Woes: Stock outs We can all agree that retail business is a highly competitive sector, and that it’s imperative to make sure that your product is on the shelf when the customer is shopping for it. But for many brands, the problem of out-of-stocks (OOS) persists; in fact, a 2018 retail study revealed that… Read more »

Calculating Sell-Through

What is sell-through? Sell-through is a metric for vendors to use in evaluating item performance which provides a composite measure of sales and inventory. Sell-through rates are typically evaluated daily for fast-moving products or weekly for slower-moving or replenishment-based products.  A higher value is better, indicating your sales velocity is good and your inventory is… Read more »